Your Access to Explore the Earth

The EO-Lab Cloud

The EO-Lab cloud is part of the Strategy "Artificial Intelligence" of the German Federal Government. It provides German entities for science and development easy and efficient access to earth observation data, a virtual working environment for processing these data, as well as extensive information and training to support users. The EO-Lab Cloud stands for:

  • High-performance working environment for scientists and developers
  • Scalable computing power and broadband data connectivity
  • Tools to process data with AI-methods
  • High flexibility to develop and execute your own process chains
  • Easy and free access to Copernicus data and services, as well as data of the national EO-missions
  • Synergy with the EO cloud CODE-DE for users of German governmental authorities: easy and efficient transfer of scientific results to governmental application
  • Extended collaborative tools for users
  • Certified by BSI and hosted in a data centre in Frankfurt
The EO-Lab Cloud image

EO-Lab brings Scientists to EO Data

EO-Lab promotes the scientific utilisation of data from national EO-missions and from the Copernicus Program as well as the development of efficient, automated process chains and innovative EO-applications. The scientific use of AI-methods is particularly welcome. Developers from both scientific and commercial entities are invited to design and demonstrate new processes and applications on EO-Lab. They have quotas for data, computing and storage resources available on the EO-Lab platform. These quotas will be allocated based on user applications and are prioritised according to categories of research and development projects if necessary:


  • Category 1: Projects that are supported by the German Space Agency or by a European Program.
  • Category 2: Projects that are supported by other national or European Program, as well as doctoral and master's theses.
  • Category 3: Projects which do not fall into any other category.


Interested parties can apply for time-limited test quotas via a simplified approval procedure in order to gain initial experience with EO-Lab.

EO-Lab brings Scientists to EO Data image

The EO-Lab Team

The German Space Agency, on behalf of the "Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz" (BMWK), has contracted the company CloudFerro S.A. to build and operate EO-Lab starting 01.10.2021 and to link it with the EO cloud CODE-DE.

As a subcontractor of CloudFerro, Urbetho CF GmbH is the first point of contact for users and is responsible for support, information and training material as well as customer care.


Your contact persons for EO-Lab:

Simon König & Konstantin Scheffczyk
Raumfahrtagentur im Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

The EO-Lab Team image