EO-Lab offers developers and scientists free and high-performance access to data from national missions such as TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X and EnMAP for their research projects. Through the connection of EO-Lab to the CODE-DE Cloud, all Copernicus data available there are also available on EO-Lab. In addition, the direct link to CREODIAS, one of the largest and best-performing online data archives for satellite data from the European Copernicus mission, provides fast access to more than 25 PB of remote sensing data.
The EO-Lab Portfolio provides an overview of the extensive EO-Lab data offering. The description of the individual data sets contains details on access and the respective usage options on EO-Lab on the one hand and links to further information on the other.
For the development of artificial intelligence models and for the analysis and processing of large amounts of data, the EO-Lab platform offers extensive computing and storage resources based on state-of-the-art technology. Thus, a large contingent of GPUs and modern CPUs is available together with a generous amount of memory.
Innovative tools, such as JupyterLab, DataCubes and VM Images with pre-installed software libraries, enable both geo-IT experts and developers as well as occasional users to benefit from the cloud resources. The portfolio gives an overview of the cloud services available on EO-Lab.
The Data Explorer enables direct access to EO-Lab data via a GUI or API. In just a few steps, data can be searched, previewed, and downloaded or processed "on-the-fly" with a range of predefined EO processors.
The EO-Lab support offers online material on the one hand and personal consultations on the other, so that you can quickly find your way around EO-Lab.
Extensive information material available online supports familiarisation and routine use of the EO-Lab resources as efficiently as possible: The help pages contain instructions on how to use the portal, how to register, how to apply for quotas and how to use the EO-Lab infrastructure. Details on the data and service offering are described in the portfolio.
Information activities such as online seminars tailored to the different user needs are held regularly. They either focus on general aspects of the use of EO-Lab, present new methodologies, or highlight selected key topics based on concrete applications. The online seminars will be recorded and made available online as part of the information material.
The EO-Lab Support Team is also personally available for questions and problems and is happy to receive suggestions for the further development of EO-Lab. The easiest way to reach the support team is via the contact form, but you are also welcome to send an email to support@eo-lab.org. The German and English-speaking support team can be reached by phone on +49 89 235 405 06 weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
We are pleased to inform you that the CODE-DE and EO-Lab platforms will continue to be funded.
To give you a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and changes, we cordially invite you to our upcoming webinar on 13 February 2025 at 13:30. In this webinar, we will present the most important innovations and improvements to the platforms that could be relevant to your current or planned use.
This will include the following topics:
Date: Feb. 13, 2022, 1:30 p.m. (60 minutes)
Most important on EO-Lab are the scientists and developers and their research tasks, which they realise on EO-Lab. EO-Lab specifically supports cooperation between users. In this way, computing resources and data can be shared in project groups and results can be presented in an appealing way via the planned WebGIS. The uniform technology, data architecture and administration of EO-Lab and CODE-DE also allows algorithms and process chains to be easily transferred between the platforms.
On the "Projects" page we present a selection of representative projects and how they benefit from the EO-Lab data and service portfolio. If you are running a project on EO-Lab and think that your experiences could be interesting for other users, please contact us!
Teamwork and the exchange of experiences are elementary for the successful and efficient implementation of ideas. EO-Lab supports this in many ways. Project teams can use quotas and resources across organisations and modern communication tools are offered. The user forum, for example, is designed as a joint forum with CODE-DE. This should facilitate and motivate the exchange of experiences between the users of the two platforms, EO-Lab and CODE-DE.
Technical Implementation and Operation:
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