The EO-Lab support team is also personally available for questions and problems and gladly accepts suggestions for the further development of EO-Lab.
We appreciate the feedback of our users and try to solve potential issues as fast and as well as possible. Please check out our FAQ section as well. There might already be an answer to your question.
If you wish to use our contact form, please fill out the form on the left side and don't forget to select the respective subject. Be as specific as possible - that will enable us to respond quickly with all relevant information. If you are a registered user, the form will be filled with your name and email automatically.
You can also send an email to us. Therefore, please use following email address:
The German- and English-speaking helpdesk can be reached by phone from Mo-Fr between 9:00 and 17:00 (CET) at the following number: +49 89 235 405 06