EO-Lab Data Catalogue Switch User Information

code-de project

Dear Customers,
We are thrilled to announce the introduction of the new API for CODE-DE and EO-Lab data catalogue!

To deploy the new Catalog API on October 26, 2023 a maintenance window is scheduled between 8:00 and 18:00 (CEST). Please note that during this time users can experience irregularities or service interruptions. However, this measure is necessary in order to be able to guarantee the successful switch of technologies. The work may last all day, but will be completed by 18:00 at the latest.

The new Catalogue API enables an advanced search within CODE-DE and EO-Lab data catalogues in three well-known standards: Odata, RESTO Open Search and STAC.

The old Finder API (RESTO) can still be used to access the old data in the Catalogue. New products will only be accessible through the new Catalogue APIs.

Users can access the new interfaces under the following links:


  • Odata: https://datahub.code-de.org/odata/v1/Products?
  • RESTO: https://datahub.code-de.org/resto/api/collections/Sentinel1/search.json?
  • STAC: https://datahub.code-de.org/stac/

For EO-Lab:

  • Odata: https://datahub.eo-lab.org/odata/v1/Products?
  • RESTO: https://datahub.eo-lab.org/resto/api/collections/Sentinel1/search.json?
  • STAC: https://datahub.eo-lab.org/stac/

Users are encouraged to migrate to the Odata interface as this is the most efficient option.

Please be aware that the new Catalogue API relies on a completely new database which has been adjusted to the European Space Agency's (ESA) Product Metadata Mapping, therefore attributes, especially for Sentinel data, have been reorganised and renamed to match the official ESA documentation. These new attribute names (e.g. productType) and values (e.g. GRD) are present in the Odata and STAC interfaces. To preserve backwards compatibility, both old and new attribute names can be used in the RESTO interface, however only new values can be selected.

The details of the new attributes' values are available under RESTO describe endpoints (e.g.  https://datahub.code-de.org/resto/api/collections/Sentinel1/describe.xml and for EO-Lab respectively https://datahub.eo-lab.org/resto/api/collections/Sentinel1/describe.xml ).

You can also find the attribute changes in the table available for download here.

The new Catalogue RESTO interface preserves backwards compatibility with the old RESTO (Finder API) in terms of:

  • Query structure
  • Names of search options
  • Names of products' attributes
  • Response structure in json

There is no backwards compatibility in terms of attributes' values (e.g. Level 2A, L2 etc).

The following functionalities have been deprecated and will not be available:

  • Natural Language Queries
  • Query response in XML
  • Pretty_query
  • Search.path