The EO-Lab cloud allows its users to realise innovative projects that turn EO-data into exciting results, often by employing AI-methods. This page showcases a selection of projects on EO-Lab that have been finalised or are work in progress.
As a result of climate change and the encroachment of humans into various ecosystems, biodiversity is increasingly under threat worldwide.
Smallholder agriculture makes a key contribution to the food supply of Southwest Africa. Environmental and climate change are increasingly threatening the agricultural yields and thus the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and the region's food security.
In a joint research and development project with the Institute of Photogrammetry and Geoinformation (IPI) of the Leibniz Universität Hannover and the State Office of Lower Saxony for Geoinformation and Surveying (LGLN), new AI remote sensing methods are developed since 2019-07-01.
Forest disturbance is a viral topic in times of climate change, which leaves stressed trees vulnerable to calamities such as bark beetle infestations and drought damage.
Deep learning methods are used to recognise individual trees in digital orthophotos with 20 cm ground resolution. The background is the generation of reference data for the classification of satellite data from the Copernicus mission in the KlimBa project.
The goal of the PreTrainAppEO project is to make the use of AI in the field of Earth observation and remote sensing more attractive and efficient. To this end, a methodology is being developed that uses the approach of pre-trained AI models to achieve generalisability to various standard applications in the remote sensing field.
Joint Project of Constructor University (Project Lead), TU Berlin and rasdaman GmbH
Data cubes offer a natural, analysis-oriented view of spatiotemporal data that also scales very well. AI, on the other hand, improves the understanding of EO data with new methods. Interestingly, both techniques are based on the same mathematical foundations, namely tensor algebra.